Event Registration
If you have a background in the field and would like to run an event to mark the 100th anniversary of quantum science and technology, go for it. Just submit the information about your event below and our team will review it. If you can demonstrate solid plans for an authentic gathering that others can learn from, we'll support it by promoting it on our calendar and linking to your site.
We'll also share it with the international website for IYQST https://quantum2025.org/, showing the world what New Zealand is up to. So get involved!
Resource Submission
We want to make this site a rich repository of information about quantum science and technology. If you have high quality resources you would like to share with others we can help you do so.
Please submit a form with the details and our team will review it for inclusion. If it's the real-deal, we'll include it here for others to enjoy. Let's see what we can create together